Server FarmVille


Join the new, exciting online game Server FarmVille™!

  • Build your own server farm, starting from just a lonely single processor and a thin fiber optic line!
  • Add racks and interconnects, routers and power supplies, cooling towers and network switches ... until eventually you're consuming the entire electrical output of a hydroelectric dam or nuclear reactor!
  • Recruit your friends — give them virtual gifts, help them prosper, and maybe they'll help you!
  • Graduate from the "free" version of Server FarmVille™ by spending real-world money to get rid of annoying advertisements, lift bandwidth restrictions on your servers, and enable decorative flags above your dull gray warehouse!

Start playing, and paying, today!!

(footnote/disclaimer: a few weeks ago in a moment of solo silliness I invented the above parody-game takeoff of FarmVille; apparently the domain exists and was registered in 2010 by Thomas Gericke of Germany, though it doesn't seem to be active at the moment) - ^z - 2012-10-21